Monday, May 4, 2009

Favorite things!

Hello everyone, it has been so very long. I am finally getting back to doing regular things since school is over. I am still busy studying for the state board and Patrick is very busy with school and coaching. But as Jenny would say "Such is Life". FAVORITE THINGS! so this is the fun tittle of this... so have you ever had something so long that you have worn holes in it or had something so long that when you touch it, it just vaporizes into thin air. Well ladies and gentlemen we could only hope that could happen to Patrick's favorite socks. Let me tell you how hard it is to get him to buy new socks. He just loves the one's he has. I finally had to sew up this pair so he could wear them again. He would wear these everyday if he could. So my challenge to all of you is to post your favorite story about your favorite thing that you could not give up. Jenny I know yours already with Ben! The red fleece (sweatshirt), sorry Ben if that brings up tears of sadness. I Love my husband and his sense of style. hehe

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I might even let Ben type about his beloved red fleece! How brave of Pat to share his holey socks with the world. Dust off the dust, time to break out the "new" ones!

Wedding day

Wedding day
Our wedding day was amazing, I can't thank everyone enough for all the work they put into it. And it is crazy to think that is has almost been one year! wowzers

Sister Amy and I in Kuwait

Sister Amy and I in Kuwait
This is a picture of Amy and I just doing some training in Kuwait while we were waiting to go to Iraq. I just think this picture is funny because of the dorky glasses.