Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hello Everyone! I am so sorry that I am such a slacker at this Blogging stuff. I need to work on my commitment to all of you to have exciting stories and pictures..... I mean seriously you guys need to know the exciting lives of Patrick and Angela Reents! who wouldn't want to know I secretly like Big Red soda and that Patrick loves strawberry icecream. I am sure I could find some funny stories to tell about my clinicals and how older patients say the funniest things. I will update you all soon, so that my blog is worth reading! Jenny I know you are excited that I am finally doing something with my blog!!!!!! I still need to figure out were to put stuff and how to add things. Ok have a great day! happy blogging!


Heath and Lindsey said...

Yes, I would like to see pictures please.
I bet you still wear those glasses whenever possible, huh?

Jenny said...

Blogging is even more fun than simply having a blog, wouldn't you say? There are some stories I would request you post! See ya later!

cressfamily said...

Yeah! I am glad to see this blog. I am awaiting the stories.

Wedding day

Wedding day
Our wedding day was amazing, I can't thank everyone enough for all the work they put into it. And it is crazy to think that is has almost been one year! wowzers

Sister Amy and I in Kuwait

Sister Amy and I in Kuwait
This is a picture of Amy and I just doing some training in Kuwait while we were waiting to go to Iraq. I just think this picture is funny because of the dorky glasses.